Diversidad biológica agrícola

Sitios web relacionados

Resultado 1 a 20 de 45 resultados encontrados

Africa Rice Center

Africa Rice Center (WARDA) is an autonomous intergovernmental research association of African member states. It is also one of the 15 international agricultural research Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). WARDA’s mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa, through research, development and partnership activities aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of the rice sector in ways that ensure the sustainability of the farming environment.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Investigación y Ciencia; Cooperación y Sociedades; Uso Sostenible de la Biodiversidad; Biodiversidad Agrícola

Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog

The aim is to collect in one place anything found on the internet that relates somehow to the notion of agricultural biodiversity.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada - Canadá

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is a key partner in the development and operation of the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). They develop and maintain the Canadian version of the ITIS Web site, provide taxonomic specialists who contribute to data development in ITIS, and cooperate with the U.S. ITIS partners in planning and developing enhancements to ITIS.
Subject(s): Investigación y Ciencia; Biodiversidad Agrícola

Agriculture at a Crossroads

Global Agriculture was set up by the Foundation on Future Farming and Biovision in the run-up to Rio+20. The website makes the findings of the vitally important International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) available by topics and offers updated figures, background information, further reading and regular news stories.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola

Agriculture Research Service

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the principal research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). ARS, one of the Research, Education and Economics (REE) agencies, is charged with extending the US's scientific knowledge across a broad range of program areas that affect the American people on a daily basis.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Investigación y Ciencia

Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority - Singapur

The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) is hosted by Singapore Government that checks the safe food, the safeguard of animals and plants to facilitate the agri-trade.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Economía, comercio e incentivos

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

"Protecting American agriculture" is the basic charge of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). APHIS provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants. The agency improves agricultural productivity and competitiveness and contributes to the national economy and the public health.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola

Belgian Development Cooperation Agency - Bélgica

BTC is the Belgian agency for development cooperation. On behalf of the Belgian government, BTC supports developing countries in their fight against poverty. Apart from this public service, BTC also executes contracts on behalf of other national and international organisations that work toward sustainable human development.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Comunicación, Educación y Concienciación del Público; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Naciones Unidas; Cooperación y Sociedades; Gender and Biodiversity; Salud y Biodiversidad; Biodiversidad Agrícola

Bioversity International

Bioversity International, o sólo Bioversity, es el nombre operativo para el Instituto Internacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (IPGRI), en conjunto con la Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Banano y el Plátano (INIBAP). Bioversity es una organización internacional de investigación dedicada exclusivamente a la conservación y el uso de la diversidad biológica agrícola más grande del mundo. Además, es operado de manera independiente y sin fines de lucro.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Tecnologías de restricción de uso genético; Biodiversidad Agrícola; Biodiversidad de los bosques; Salud y Biodiversidad; Economía, comercio e incentivos; Estrategia Global para Conservación de las Plantas

Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International

CABI is a not-for-profit organization specialising in scientific publishing, research and communication. CABI improves people's lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Especies exóticas invasoras; Artículo 8(j): Conocimientos, Innovaciones y Prácticas Tradicionales; Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo

Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

CIAT is a not-for-profit organization that conducts socially and environmentally progressive research aimed at reducing hunger and poverty and preserving natural resources in developing countries.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Transferencia de Tecnologia y Cooperación; Cooperación Científica y Técnica; Investigación y Ciencia; Acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación en los beneficios

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

The CGIAR is a strategic alliance of members, partners and international agricultural centers that mobilizes science to benefit the poor. Its target is to achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, policy, and environment.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Biodiversidad de los bosques; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Tecnologías de restricción de uso genético

Crop Wild Relatives Global Portal

The Portal was originally created within the framework of the UNEP-GEF supported project “In situ conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced information management and field application”. However, as new resources are added and contributions received by the wider conservation community, it is hoped that the Portal will become a one-stop-shop for biodiversity and agriculture practitioners, academics and civil society sectors seeking updated and synthesized information on the conservation of Crop Wild Relatives.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH - Alemania

La GIZ es una empresa de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo sostenible con operaciones a nivel mundial. GIZ promueve reformas complejas y procesos de cambio, a menudo desarrollados en condiciones difíciles. Su objetivo como empresa es mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población sobre una base sustentable.
Subject(s): Cooperación Científica y Técnica; Economía, comercio e incentivos; Salud y Biodiversidad; Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo

Domestic Animal Diversity Information System

DAD-IS is the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System hosted by FAO. It is a communication and information tool for implementing strategies for the management of animal genetic resources (AnGR). It provides the user with searchable databases of breed-related information and images, management tools, and a library of references, links and contacts of Regional and National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources. It provides countries with a secure means to control the entry, updating and accessing of their national data.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Tecnologías de restricción de uso genético

Environmental Integration in EC development cooperation

This project is a service provided by the European Commission to raise awareness and build capacities of staff to integrate the environmental dimension in EC development cooperation and into partner countries' sector policies and programmes
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de los bosques; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Biodiversidad Agrícola; Biodiversidad de las tierras secas y subhúmedas; Productos Químicos; Enfoque de ecosistemas; Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad; Economía, comercio e incentivos; Desarrollo Sostenible / Objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio; Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Comunicación, Educación y Concienciación del Público; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

Federación Internacional de Productores Agrícolas

La Federación Internacional de Productores Agropecuarios (FIPA) es la organización de los agricultores a nivel mundial. Fue fundada en 1946 y más de 600 milliones de agricultores de los países en desarrollo se encuentran representados en la FIPA. La componen actualmente 115 organizaciones nacionales de agricultores de 80 países de todo el mundo. La FIPA tiene la categoría de Consultor General del Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Transferencia de Tecnologia y Cooperación; Salud y Biodiversidad; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas

Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Second GPA) is a strategic framework for the conservation and sustainable use of the plant genetic diversity on which food and agriculture depends. It was prepared under the aegis of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and adopted by FAO Council at its 143rd Session in November 2011. The Second GPA reaffirms the commitment of governments to the promotion of plant genetic resources as an essential component for food security through sustainable agriculture in the face of climate change.
Subject(s): Acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación en los beneficios; Negocios y Biodiversidad


GRAIN es una pequeña organización internacional sin fines de lucro que trabaja apoyando a campesinos y agricultores en pequeña escala y a movimientos sociales en sus luchas por lograr sistemas alimentarios basados en la biodiversidad y controlados comunitariamente. Nuestro apoyo consiste en producir investigaciones y análisis independientes, impulsar la vinculación y el tejido de redes a nivel local, regional e internacional, y cultivar nuevas formas de cooperación y construcción de alianzas. Casi todo nuestro trabajo se orienta hacia África, Asia y América Latina y se concreta en esas regiones.
Subject(s): Acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación en los beneficios

IFOAM - Federación Internacional de Movimientos de Agricultura Orgánica

Organic Agriculture is practiced by 1.4 million producers on 35 million hectares of land in over 150 countries. It contributes to biodiversity by prohibiting the clearance of primary ecosystems, integrating high levels of natural biodiversity and farm species into the farming system and by avoiding toxic chemical inputs. Ecological rather than chemical intensification protects and enhances ecosystem services to regulate pest and disease, mitigate climate change, optimally cycle nutrients, build soils and retain soil water.

As the umbrella organization for the international Organic Agriculture movement and an observer to the Convention on Biological Diversity, IFOAM is providing input into the UNEP Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity report for local policy makers. IFOAM is also a participating partner in this year’s biodiversity focused SuSCon conference, developing new material on the effective role of Organic Agriculture in mitigating biodiversity loss and will hold a series of events around the globe to mark the international day of biodiversity - including the launch of position papers on seed and smallholder farms.

Biodiversity leaflet - en - es - fr - zh
Biodiversity brochure - en
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola