
COP 9 Decisión IX/3

IX/3.Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

The Conference of the Parties,
Having considered the outcomes of the in-depth review of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation conducted by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and the key messages resulting from the review as transmitted to Conference of the Parties by the Subsidiary Body in paragraph 1 of its recommendation XII/2 (UNEP/CBD/COP/9/2, annex),
Noting that the Global Strategy has stimulated the engagement of the botanical and plant conservation communities in the work of the Convention, through, inter alia, the establishment of national, regional and global networks, including in particular the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation,
1.Urges Parties that have not yet done so, to:
(a)Nominate focal points for the Strategy; and
(b)Develop national and/or regional strategies for plant conservation with targets as appropriate, including within the context of national biodiversity strategies and action plans and other relevant national and regional policies and action plans, as part of broader plans to achieve the 2010 biodiversity target and the relevant Millennium Development Goals;
2.Urges Parties and invites other Governments and relevant organizations to further implement:
(a)Activities for achieving enhanced implementation of the Strategy, in particular its targets 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 15, including by reaching other relevant sectors beyond the botanical and conservation communities; and
(b)Providing, as appropriate, additional information on the progress made towards achieving the targets of the Strategy, including quantitative data and information from other sectors and processes such as in forestry and agriculture, in order to strengthen future reviews of the implementation of the Strategy;
3.Decides to consider the further development and implementation of the Strategy beyond 2010, taking into account current and emerging environmental challenges on plant diversity, including an update of the current targets within the broader context of and consistent with the new Strategic Plan beyond 2010, taking into account national priorities and circumstances, capacities and differences in plant diversity between countries;
4.Requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to provide, prior to the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, proposals for a consolidated update of the Global Strategy, taking into account the Plant Conservation Report, the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook, the fourth national reports and additional inputs from the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation and other relevant organizations;
5.Further requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to consider the review of the implementation of targets 3, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13 that are related to sustainable use of plant diversity, when it undertakes the in-depth review of the work on sustainable use prior to the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
6.Requests the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation and other relevant organizations:
(a)To develop a practical and user-friendly toolkit, in pursuance of paragraph 7 of decision VII/10 of the Conference of the Parties, that describes inter alia tools and experiences that can help enhance national, subregional and regional implementation of the Strategy. The toolkit should be made available in all the United Nations languages in both electronic and printed form, with the option of making the electronic version interactive in the long term;
(b)To identify regional tools for the exchange of information and capacity-building;
(c)To publish the Plant Conservation Report (UNEP/CBD/COP/9/INF/25) in all the United Nations languages as a communication and awareness-raising tool on the implementation of the Strategy;
(d)To facilitate capacity-building, technology transfer, and financial support programmes to assist developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and countries with economies in transition , including those with high levels of biodiversity and are centres of origin, to effectively implement or to achieve enhanced implementation of the Strategy; and
(e)Coordinate regional workshops with support of Parties and other relevant organizations on the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, subject to available resources, and to include the Global Strategy in the agenda of regional workshops for national biodiversity strategies and action plans and compile these results including an assessment of capacity needs for consideration of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;
7.Acknowledges the work of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation, the World Conservation Monitoring Centre of United Nations Environment Programme, other organizations, and the Executive Secretary in developing the Plant Conservation Report, and expresses its appreciation to the Government of Ireland for the preparation of this Report, and further extends its appreciation to Botanic Gardens Conservation International for the secondment of a Programme Officer to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological to support the implementation of the Strategy;
8.Urges donors and other organizations to support the implementation of the Strategy at the national and regional levels.