High-Level Panel on the Global Assessment of Resources for implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
To achieve the Aichi Targets, a level of financial investment is required from all sectors, including government, industry and civil society. The level of that investment has been considered at various scales and for some biodiversity targets; however a comprehensive study has not been carried out to date. Equally, the return derived from the benefits arising from meeting the Aichi Targets requires further investigation.
The High-Level Panel on Global Assessment of Resources for Implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (phase 2) was constituted in 2013, with fifteen expert members drawn from all regions around the world, with a mandate to assess the benefits of meeting the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by examining both the positive impacts on biodiversity directly and the wider benefits to society that result from the investments and policy developments required.
By considering the range of the costs of implementing the activities needed to achieve the targets, and identifying the opportunities to most cost effectively secure such benefits through actions both within and outside the biodiversity sector, the research builds on the initial work of the High-Level Panel (phase 1) as reported to COP-11.
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