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200 Results
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News Headlines

‘Women for Bees’ project launched

A beekeeping programme aimed at empowering women and conserving biodiversity was officially launched in the presence of Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie earlier this week, according to the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts.

News Headlines

‘Ecofeminism is about respect’: the activist working to revolutionise west African farming

Outside Mariama Sonko’s home in the Casamance region of southern Senegal pink shells hang on improvised nets that will be placed in mangroves to provide a breeding spot for oysters.

News Headlines

‘Celebrating resilience of bio diverse community’

The North East Network (NEN) in collaboration with Thetsumi Women Society and SEWA Thetsumi Unit organised a biodiversity festival at Thetsumi in Phek District, Nagaland on December 15 under the theme “Celebrating resilience of bio diverse community.”

News Headlines

Women’s rights, traditional knowledge and biodiversity

Women’s organising in Kyrgyzstan serves as an example of the inseparable linkages between gender, environmental and economic justice. The sheer scale of the challenges faced by our planet is difficult to comprehend, but there is now at least recognition of the fact that ecological and social cri ...

News Headlines

Women’s Day 2021: Time to Recognize & Appreciate Women’s Role in Biodiversity Preservation

Every year we celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March to recognize women’s success and her role in economic, social, political, and cultural development. The day is also celebrated to make people aware of women’s rights and gender equality. There is one more area i.e. Biodiversity preser ...

News Headlines

Women, wildlife and the workings of the CBD

One key decision to be taken over the next two weeks at the UN Biodiversity conference is whether to adopt new guidance on sustainable wildlife management. These are practices that sustain populations and habitats of wildlife while simultaneously supporting people’s livelihoods – from providing ...

News Headlines

Women shouldering the burden of climate crisis need action, not speeches

Milikini Failautusi, 30, lives on the Pacific island of Tuvalu. She has become virtually a nomad in her own country after rising tides forced her to leave her ancestral atoll and move to the main island, Funafuti.

News Headlines

Women in rural agriculture stricken by climate change effects

Climate change is not gender neutral. As developing countries bear the brunt of climate change in the form of extreme weather conditions such as droughts and floods – increasing the vulnerability of pinched natural resources – it is women and girls in agriculture and rural and remote areas who a ...

News Headlines

Women in rural Namibia profit from biodiversity-friendly trade

The Eudafano Women’s Cooperative in Namibia extracts ingredients from seeds of indigenous plants such as marula, a medium-sized deciduous tree, for the domestic and international cosmetics industry. Oil extracted from marula seeds is rich in elements that are essential for the preservation of hu ...

News Headlines

Women from the Xingu Territory unite against threats from Bolsonaro administration

“We don’t think about selling wood or any part of the Earth to get money. We have so many ways to support ourselves that we don’t need to destroy anything.” This declaration came from Anna Terra Yawalapiti in her speech at the opening ceremony of the first summit of the women of the Xingu Indige ...

News Headlines

Women from Kerala weave a solution to the region’s climate woes

Idukki district gets its name from the Malayalam word idukku, which means gorge. Beautiful narrow gorges run across this hilly tourist destination in Kerala in south India. But the district is equally in news for its disasters. One of the four most landslide-prone districts in Kerala, its margin ...

News Headlines

Women form team to guard forest in Jharkhand village

Save the forest. That’s the motto of 100-odd women in West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand. Worried by rapid deforestation, they have taken it up themselves to protect around nine acres of forest land in their area. They are also running an awareness campaign so that more join them in this noble ...

News Headlines

Women custodians of biodiversity hold key to food security

A UN report on the state of world biodiversity for food and agriculture links rising food insecurity and chronic hunger to threatened habitats and ecosystems. But traditional female stewards of biodiversity offer hope.

News Headlines

Women bear the brunt of climate change in Angola

Tehandjila Quessale's heart sank every time her mother sent her to fetch water for their crops, up in the mountains of Angola's southern Huila region. The 16-year-old had to leave school early and walk three hours to join a long queue of people at the nearest water point.

News Headlines

Women bear the brunt of climate change in Angola

Tehandjila Quessale's heart sank every time her mother sent her to fetch water for their crops, up in the mountains of Angola's southern Huila region.

News Headlines

Women act to make slums climate-resilient, one house at a time

Farida Sheikh remembers her house in the slums in Ahmedabad feeling like a furnace, where summer temperatures have reached up to 50 degrees Celsius. But for the last four years, the situation inside the house has cooled down.

News Headlines

Women Pastoralists Feel Heat of Climate Change

NAIROBI, Aug 14 2019 (IPS) - For many people, climate change is about shrinking glaciers, rising sea levels, longer and more intense heatwaves, and other extreme and unpredictable weather patterns.

News Headlines

Women Are Still Not Heard in the Climate Policy Conversation

Climate change effects don’t have the same impact on everyone: Vulnerable groups always have it worse. This discrepancy is apparent even when these groups are not minorities, which is the case for women—half of the world’s population.

News Headlines

Why women’s leadership is key to climate action

At the COP26 climate summit, the leaders of Estonia, Tanzania and Bangladesh were the first to sign the Glasgow Women’s Leadership statement, calling for countries to support the leadership of women and girls on climate action at all levels of society and politics. Yet these three women comprise ...

News Headlines

Why women have an essential role in biodiversity conservation

The world is suffering a biodiversity crisis – approximately 10,000 species are lost to extinction every year.Women in indigenous communities are uniquely positioned to take action on conservation issues.

News Headlines

What Climate Change Adaptation Programs in Peru Are Missing: Indigenous Women’s Knowledge

As climate change in the high Andes threatens alpaca herding, the primary source of livelihood for many of Peru’s Indigenous communities, development programs are teaching men how to use technical herd management strategies such as herd immunization, selective breeding, and modern pasture manage ...


Webinar: Training Materials on Gender and Biodiversity in South-East Asia and the Pacific

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/TMc/TM/89480 (2021-018)
To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points in the South East Asia and Pacific region, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs, indigenous people and local communities, and other stakeholders

pdf English 
News Headlines

Weaving is giving Indian women hope in the face of climate change

In recent months, 30-year-old Niru Sonowal and a dozen other women from her northeast Indian village have trekked on foot for miles every day in search of work.

News Headlines

We Can’t Fight Climate Change Without Fighting for Gender Equity

As the climate crisis becomes increasingly urgent, organizations around the world have begun investing in a wide array of environmental sustainability initiatives. Some of these efforts target technological solutions, while others prioritize behavioral or economic changes, but what the vast majo ...

News Headlines

Vegetable gardens bring veritable gains for women in climate-struck Cambodia

On the road winding into Chreng village in Cambodia’s Pursat province, a group of boys are playing volleyball on an arid plot of land as villagers watch and cheer


Upcoming webinars to support discussions at the resumed sessions of SBSTTA-24, SBI-3 and WG2020-3

Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/JC/MC/90056 (2022-001)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 
Meeting Document


Guidance on Mainstreaming Gender into Work under the Convention on Biological Diversity

Meeting Document


Draft 2015-2020 Gender Plan of Action

Meeting Document


Report on an Updated Gender Plan of Action to 2020 and Progress in Gender Mainstreaming, Monitoring and Evaluation and Indicators

Meeting Document


The Gender Plan of Action under the Convention on Biological Diversity

Meeting Document


Progress in Implementing the Gender Plan of Action: Update on Mainstreaming Gender Considerations in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans

Meeting Document


Expanding the Scope of the Gender Plan of Action under the Convention on Biological Diversity

Meeting Document


The Environment-Gender Index

Meeting Document


Progress Report on Gender Mainstreaming

Meeting Document


Engagement of Stakeholders and Major Groups and Gender Mainstreaming

News Headlines

Turning the tide: Empowering women to protect our oceans, future

Billions of people around the world depend on the fresh food and livelihoods provided by healthy oceans. In fisheries, one in two seafood workers is a woman.


Transformational Change: Best Practices for Gender-responsive Biodiversity Policy and Action - Call for contributions

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/JS/TMc/88955 (2020-040)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs, and indigenous people and local communities, and other stakeholders

pdf English 
News Headlines

The women who keep the gold in Ireland's ground

The Island of Ireland is one ecological unit and two jurisdictions. Divided by a border that water systems, pollutants and the air do not recognise. It is an Island united by the fact that both governments’ neoliberal policies actively invite the interest of the mining industry.

News Headlines

The smart climate money is on women

Women account for 43 percent of the agricultural labor force in developing countries, but account for only about 7 percent of investment in the sector. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, investing more in female farmers could increase agricultural yields by ...

News Headlines

The role of women in biodiversity conservation

Environmental experts have underscored the need to fully explore and utilise women’s potential in contributing to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

News Headlines

The Bengaluru women creating a visual record of nature

Sugandhi Gadadhar once waited 18 days to catch sight of the majestic but publicity-averse denizens Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary in Karnataka.

Side Event
COP 10

TEEB - The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: key findings for Local Policy and Business

This session presents key findings and recommendations for Local Policy and Business including Japanese best practices and other findings based on the “policy studies of environmental economics” program of MOE-J. It includes responses from the public and private sector and highlights practical n ...

News Headlines

System change means dismantling patriarchy

Our societies have mostly been organised to maximise capitalist accumulation for the benefit and privilege of elites and corporations. In the parallel exploitation of women and nature, both are seen as infinite and elastic resources – free, readily available, to be appropriated without resistance.

News Headlines

Sweeping the Bush, protecting the land - The women quashing poaching

The black mamba is the most venomous snake in sub-Saharan Africa.

Action by

Survey to identify joint capacity-building needs for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the three Rio Conventions

Reference: SCBD/MCO/AF/NP/TM/CE/86879 (2017-100)
To: CBD National Focal Points and Relevant Organizations

pdf English  Spanish  French 
Action by

Survey on Progress in Implementation of the 2015-2020 Gender Plan of Action

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/JS/TMC/VA/88505 (2019-106)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, relevant organizations

pdf English 
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 50
Results for: ("Gender and Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme