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  • Press Releases (12)


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  • Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (12)

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12 Results
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Press Release

Global marine protected area target of 10% to be achieved by 2020

5 June 2017 – With recent commitments made by governments around the globe, the world is on track to protect over 10% of the globe’s marine areas by 2020, announced Dr. Cristiana Pașca Palmer, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Press Release

United Nations General Assembly resolutions highlight contribution of the Convention on Biological Diversity for oceans agenda and implementation of Rio + 20 outcomes

Montreal 21 December 2012. The 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly has recognized the importance of recent decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), including those dealing with implementation of the global oceans agen ...

Press Release

How can we save the world’s oceans and coasts? Five countries’ ocean and coastal policies shortlisted for the 2012 Future Policy Award

Hamburg/Montreal/Washington D.C./Rome, 28 August 2012 – Six policies from five countries are now shortlisted for the 2012 Future Policy Award, an international award that celebrates effective and exemplary policies. California (USA), Namibia, Palau, the Philippines, and South Africa are still in ...

Press Release

Future Policy Award celebrates solutions to save oceans and coasts: 31 policies from 22 countries and regions nominated

Hamburg/Montreal/Washington D.C./Rome, 6 June 2012: The list of nominees for this year's Future Policy Award is complete: 31 outstanding policies from 22 countries and regions are in the running for the best policy worldwide to protect oceans and coasts.

Press Release

Atlantic seamount becomes the first case added to international repository of ecologically or biologically significant marine areas

Montreal, 17 February 2012 – The Josephine Seamount, located in the Horse-shoe Seamount Group of the Atlantic Ocean has been added to the prototype online repository that scientifically describes ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs) (available at http://ebsa.cbd.int).

Press Release

Towards the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea: The Living Ocean and Coast

Montreal, 19 October 2011 – The contribution of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity to Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea: The Living Ocean and Coast was discussed in Seoul on 14 October 2011 at a meeting between Mr. Samuel Koo, United Nations Co-Commissioner-General for the Expo, and M ...

Press Release

Marine Biodiversity, Theme for the 2012 International Day for Biological Diversity

Montreal, 20 May 2011 – Challenges facing marine biodiversity are unprecedented. Life in the oceans is under serious threats. Continuously increasing human impacts in coastal areas have destroyed over 65% of seagrass and wetland habitat, degraded water quality and accelerated species invasions. ...

Press Release

Ocean Acidification from CO2 Emissions Causes Substantial Irreversible Damage to Ocean Ecosystems

Copenhagen, 14 December 2009 – The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity released today a major study, Scientific Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biological Diversity.

Press Release

Executive Secretary Welcomes Opening of a Training and Education Centre for Marine Biodiversity in South-eastern China.

Montreal 16 October 2006. A major contribution to the infrastructure for public awareness and education for biodiversity conservation in China was welcomed by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf.

Press Release

The United States of America Designates the World’s Largest Marine Protected Area.

The decision by United States President George W. Bush to designate the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and surrounding waters and reefs as a national monument will establish the world’s largest marine protected area, representing an area the size of California. It will protect about 7,000 specie ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 10
Results for: ("Press Releases") AND ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme