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  • Side Events (76)



  • Ecosystem Approach (76)

Aichi Targets


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76 Results
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Result 1 to 10

Side Event
COP 12

An Ecosystems SDG without People?

A Sustainable Development Goal on ecosystems protection has been proposed, but until now the goal and its targets fail to recognize the role and rights of indigenous peoples, local communities and women in biodiversity conservation. Also, some of the proposed targets might be devastating for bio ...

Side Event
COP 12

Governance and Sustainable Use of Ocean Ecosystem Services and BBNJ

When conservation and sustainable use of the oceans are discussed, it is often with a direct focus on immediately tangible elements such as the enforcement of fisheries regulations. Insufficient attention, however, is generally paid to material cycling across ocean ecosystems both at a regional ...

Side Event
COP 12

ValuES: Bringing theory to practice and implementing the ecosystem service approach: Inventory of Methods and country application to assess, value and integrate ecosystem services into decision making

“ValuES: Methods for integrating ecosystem services into policy, planning and practice” is a Global Project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). In the side event ValuES will present and demonstrate an Inventory of ...

Side Event
COP 11

Ecosystem restoration on cotton fields – bringing environmental and economic interests together

The side event presents the successful project “Cotton Connect”, an initiative engaged in ecosystem restoration without GMO and pesticides offering organic cotton and supporting the Better Cotton Initiative, in cooperation with the world´s leading organic cotton clothing retailer C&A and its Ger ...

Side Event
COP 11

Recent OECD work on Biodiversity: Policy options for biodiversity and ecosystem services - making reform happen

The side-event will present recent OECD work on the economics and policy of biodiversity and ecosystems, including the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050, Green Growth and Biodiversity, and Scaling-up Finance for Biodiversity.

Side Event
COP 11

Maintaining Ecological Services in the eastern Himalayas

The event will highlight the efforts of four nations in the Eastern Himalayas to secure ecosystems and water sources necessary for adapting to climate change. Implementation of the ‘Framework for Cooperation’ agreed at the 2011 Climate Summit for a Living Himalayas will be showcased highlightin ...

Side Event
COP 11

Launch of UNDP’s Biodiversity and Ecosystems Global Framework 2012-2020, “The Future We Want: Biodiversity and Ecosystems—Driving Sustainable Development

Following global consultations, UNDP is launching its new framework to guide the agency’s technical support and policy advice to national governments on ecosystems and biodiversity over the period 2012 to 2020. The new framework will be launched at this event during the High-Level Segment by UN ...

Side Event
COP 11

Measuring and mainstreaming natural capital and leveraging biodiversity finance

Organised by the European Commission, the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Development Programme, this event will present and discuss three major initiatives aimed at measuring and reflecting nature’s capital in national decision-making and at addressin ...

Side Event
COP 11

Business and Ecosystem Services: Risks, Opportunities and Solutions

With an economy closely linked to its natural resource based and climate sensitive sectors, India is poised with the challenges of poverty eradication, sustaining the rapid economic growth and dealing with the global threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. All bu ...

Side Event
COP 11

Issues at the intersection of poverty and critical ecosystems

The event includes presentations by Royal Bank of Scotland and some of their NGO partners of their work done in the space of providing sustainable livelihoods to communities that are located in the buffer zones or corridors of our wildlife protected areas and so, dependent on their resources. Th ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 10
Results for: ("Side Events") AND ("Ecosystem Approach")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme