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  • Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (397)



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397 Results
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Meeting Document


New and Emerging Issues Relating to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity

Meeting Document


New and Emerging Issues Relating to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity

Side Event
COP 11

"Biodiversity conservation leading to enhanced livelihoods"- case studies from Host state of Andhra pradesh India where COP is being organised.

The sucess stories of "Biodiversity Conservation leading to enhanced livelihoods" case studies will be presented by indigenous communities at the grass root level.This will enable the participants to directly interact with the field level conservers to gain first hand information coming from the ...

Press Release

"You can count on Brazil to protect the biodiversity of our planet".

Speaking today in New York, where he was meeting with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, hailed the decision of the President of Brazil, H.E. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to place 6.4 million hectares ...


15th Annual BIOECON Conference Conservation and Development: Exploring Conflicts and Challenges

18 - 20 September 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


2012 international Planet Under Pressure conference: New knowledge towards solutions

26 - 29 March 2012, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Reference: SCBD/OES/EM/CS/88984 (2020-047)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, and ABS Focal Points

pdf English 

3rd Global Botanic Gardens Congress

15 - 20 April 2007, Wuhan, China


5th International Symposium on Tropical Biology

2 - 6 May 2004, Bonn, Germany


6th European Congress of Conservation Biology: “Biodiversity crisis in a changing world”

22 - 26 August 2022, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia

Side Event
COP 11

A Joint Strategy to Conserve Dugongs and Seagrass Beds in the Gulf of Mannar

The Mangroves for the Future Small Grants projects in the Gulf of Mannar (India and Sri Lanka) have undertaken a detailed survey of seagrass beds and dugong presence. Results will be shared and a strategy for joint conservation discussed with all stakeholders (fishing communities, state and nati ...

Press Release

Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals requires the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity

Montreal 12 September 2005 – World leaders and representatives of civil society attending the Millennium Summit in New York this week must take action to conserve and use biological diversity sustainably, and distribute its benefits equitably if the world is to achieve the Millennium Development ...

Side Event
COP 11

Achievements and Further Development of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI)

As of August 1, the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) comprises 117 various members working on maintaining and rebuilding socio-ecological production landscapes around the world. At this event, some IPSI members will give some presentations to share the outcome of the ...

Side Event

Addressing Biodiversity Concerns in Sustainable Fisheries

To present and discuss the Fisheries Expert Group's Scientific Workshop on "Governance for Fisheries and Marine Conservation: Interactions and Coevolution," held in Bergen, Norway, in March 2012. This meeting is organized under the aegis of the Fisheries Expert Group of the IUCN Commission on Ec ...


African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OH/MRe/56264 (2006-113)
To: CBD National Focal Points

In paragraph 5 of decision VII/12 on sustainable use, the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive Secretary to convene a series of technical expert workshops on ecosystem services assessment, financial costs and benefits associated with conservation of biodiversity, and sustainable use ...

pdf English 

African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use

12 - 15 December 2006, Nairobi, Kenya

Action by

African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use Nairobi, Kenya, 11-15 December 2006

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OH/MRe/55441 (2006-087)
To: CBD National Focal Points from Africa

I have the pleasure to inform you that, with financial assistance from the Government of the Netherlands, the Secretariat is organizing the African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use, to complement previous workshops in Moscow (30 May to 2 June 2005) and Buenos Aires (13 - 16 September 2005). ...

pdf English 

Recommendation X/10

Agricultural biodiversity: further development of the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity

Side Event
COP 11
Side Event
COP 11

Animal genetic resources of Tamil Nadu, India

This is organised to disseminate the biodiversity of tamil nadu for devising suitable genetic improvement programmes


Annual DIVERSITAS Scientfic Committee Meeting

22 - 24 March 2011, Paris, France

Side Event
COP 10

Article 10(c) - customary sustainable use: examples, challenges, community initiatives and recommendations

During this side-event, indigenous and local community organisations from various countries will discuss the draft decisions on article 10 – in particular 10(c) - being considered at COP10. They will share information from ‘10(c) case studies’ they have produced, focussing on what customary su ...

Side Event
COP 10


During this International Year of Biodiversity, UNDESA/UNCRD intends to address the nexus of Biodiversity and Human Security in the context of Regional Development. In many developing countries, people’s livelihood directly depend on natural resources generated from biodiversity and ecosystem ...

Press Release

Biodiversity Loss—It Will Make You Sick: ‘Sustaining Life’ Identifies Huge Losses to Medical Science from the Decline and Extinction of the World’s Nature-Based Assets.

Montreal/Nairobi, 24 April— A new generation of antibiotics, new treatments for thinning bone disease and kidney failure, and new cancer treatments may all stand to be lost unless the world acts to reverse the present alarming rate of biodiversity loss a new landmark book says.

Side Event
COP 11

Biodiversity conservation in the mangrove wetlands

To discuss about the wise use of mangrove wetlands for their conservation

Side Event
COP 12

Biodiversity for Sustainable Development. EC DG Research and UNEP

The policy brief titled “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development. EC DG Research and UNEP” will be presented at the side event in collaboration with EC DG Research. A selected speaker will draw attention to best practices and showcase the variety of approaches for the proposed topic. Also, the ...

Side Event
COP 10

Biodiversity of inland waters

In this session, nature-oriented river works, which started 20 years ago in Japan, will be reviewed first with various examples for the purpose of sharing knowledge among international participants. Then the discussion will cover how the works can contribute to the post 2010 Strategic Goal B, “r ...

Press Release

Biodiversity, climate, and desertification regimes strengthened by new parties and funding opportunities

Johannesburg, 30 August 2002 – As delegates in Johannesburg work towards broad agreements on poverty alleviation and sustainable development, three issue-specific treaties that contribute to these goals – the conventions on biological diversity, climate change and desertification – continue to a ...

Side Event
COP 11

Breed Saviour Award -Attempt by LIFE Network : Participatory documentation of local livestock breeds, Recognition and capacity building of communities conserving breeds

Documentation of breeds, Profiles of livestock keepers,creation of database /register of individuals and communities conserving local livestock breeds ,best practices / value addition , Recognition through cash awards and future Institutionalisng the event .

News Headlines

Building sustainability into traditional Chinese medicine trade on the new Silk Roads

Promoted as a 21st century version of the ancient Silk Roads, China's Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) aims to improve global connectivity and change the shape of international trade. The multi-billion-dollar project will link China with countries in Southeast and Central Asia, East Africa, Europe a ...

Action by

CBD Joint Expert Meeting on Addressing Biodiversity Concerns in Sustainable Fishery, 7 to 9 December 2011, Bergen, Norway

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JLe/rg/77592 (2011-180)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; other Governments; FAO, UNEP, RFMOs; IUCN-CEM-FEG; relevant organizations

At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity noted an urgent need to further review, in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the impacts of unsustainable fishing, such as destructi ...

pdf English  Spanish  French 
Meeting Document


Biodiversity and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


CD-ROM on the application of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity within the biodiversity-related conventions

Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/sg/65641 (2008-153)
To: CBD and SBSTTA National Focal Points

At its fifth meeting in 2006, the Liaison Group of the Biodiversity-related Conventions (generally known as the Biodiversity Liaison Group) decided to develop an interactive CD-ROM on the application of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines (AAPG) for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity with ...

pdf English  Spanish  French 
Side Event
COP 11


Time and again, ‘citizen scientists’ – members of the public who voluntarily help scientific studies have made a real difference to research, for example by meticulously collecting data. With a planned project, and a strong leader who can ensure that volunteers are productive, citizen science ca ...

Press Release

Cancun Communiqué on the Role of Legislators in Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Well-Being

We, legislators gathered together on the occasion of the CBD COP13 Legislators Forum at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 2016, on 7 December 2016, have discussed practical strategies and success stories in promoting the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, ...


Central and Eastern European Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use

30 May - 2 June 2005, Moscow, Russian Federation

Side Event
COP 11

College Untied Nations event on Biodiversity conservation.

Students will be encouraged to learn about country positions on various issues of biodiversity. College UN offers a platform to the students to get a first hand prospective of UN functioning as well as learning more about access and benefit sharing.

Side Event

Conservation and sustainable use of island ecosystems.

CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF ISLAND ECOSYSTEMS. This side event will show the progress to date on protecting biodiversity on Mexican islands and the important advances on the related strategic planning. The event highlights major goals achieved by Mexico following a national approach in ...

News Headlines

Conservation and sustainable use of resources

In the oceans of all around the world there is a change in the sustainable environment, their temperature, chemistry, currents and life which derive the earth’s habitual system for mankind. Our rainwater, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our daily food, and even the oxygen that we breathe; ...

News Headlines

Conservationists express concern over the increasing loss in the country’s biodiversity

The latest findings from a study by the Worldwide Fund for nature have cited several factors fuelling biodiversity loss. Among these are the Unsustainable land use management for food and energy, and Government policies failing to promote environmental stewardship.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
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Results for: ("Sustainable Use of Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme