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Fourth National Reports due by 30 March 2009

SCBD/ITS/LC/MC/66078 (2009-009)

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CBD National Focal Points

Publication Date

Further to earlier notifications (2006-083 of 28 July 2006, and 2008-052 of 23 April 2008), I wish to remind Parties that, according to decision VIII/14 of the Conference of the Parties, the fourth national reports are due not later than 30 March 2009. Considering that we are only two-and-a-half months away from the deadline set by COP-8, we would be grateful if you could advise the Secretariat on the status of the preparation of your fourth national report, and the date by which you expect to submit it. We would appreciate receiving this information as soon as possible, and not later than 15 February 2009.

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