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Funding for Preparation of the Fourth National Report

SCBD/ITS/LC/MC/67080 (2009-043)

Sent To
CBD National Focal Points of those eligible countries that have not applied for funds for preparation of the fourth national report

Publication Date

I am pleased to inform that Phase III of a medium-sized project to fund the preparation of the fourth national report has recently been approved by the Global Environment Facility. This phase can support a total of 40 countries, with up to 20,000 USD for each country. I would like to urge you to submit your country request as soon as possible to Ms. Esther Mwangi (Esther.Mwangi@unep.org), UNEP GEF Division. The country request should be submitted together with an endorsement letter signed by your country’s national focal point for the GEF.

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