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WGRI Recomendación

. Mechanisms for implementation: review of the Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness

1/5.Mechanisms for implementation: review of the Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness

The Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of Implementation of the Convention
1.Takes note of the draft list of potential priority activities for the Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) and the draft plan for their implementation prepared by the Executive Secretary (UNEP/CBD/WGRI/1/INF/10);
2.Requests the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the CEPA Informal Advisory Committee, to examine the need for the plan of implementation to involve the participation of indigenous and local communities, and to finalize the list of priority activities for the CEPA Initiative and the plan for their implementation for in-depth consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eighth meeting, taking into account the views expressed by Parties, other Governments and organizations at the first meeting of the Working Group on Review of Implementation of the Convention, including the need for the plan of implementation to address:
(a)The full range of potential audiences, including key stakeholders, the general public and donors;
(b)Adapted and differentiated messages to communicate to these audiences:
(i)Biodiversity as a concept;
(ii)The role and work of the Convention, including its three objectives and the 2010 biodiversity target;
(iii)The Convention's relationship to the work of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and linkages to the broader issues of sustainable development and poverty eradication, including the Millennium Development Goals;
(iv)The need for attitudinal and behavioural changes where necessary;
(c)The institutional framework, means and resources for the implementation of identified activities, including, inter alia, the integration of communication, education and public awareness strategies into national biodiversity strategies and action plans and the work of national clearing-house mechanisms;
(d)The distinction among activities at the national, subregional, regional, and global level and distribution of tasks among Parties, the Secretariat and partners;
(e)The development and maintenance of partnerships and networks, including the use of existing regional bodies and initiatives to facilitate implementation of activities through sharing of best practices and success stories and capacity building;
(f)A modular approach for implementation of identified activities, adapted to each of the potential audiences;
(g)The setting of realistic milestones and deadlines tied to the generation of relevant outputs;
(h)Outputs that meet the requirements of the different categories of users/audiences;
(i)The intended use and impacts of the outputs;
(j)Mechanisms for monitoring and assessment of the activities and their results;
(k)A comprehensive analysis of the funding needs for implementation of the plan;
3.Requests the Executive Secretary to elaborate an indicative list of the various target audiences and the category of corresponding actors that are best suited to communicate to them;
4.Recommends to the Conference of the Parties at its eighth meeting that it adopts a decision along the following lines:
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciation the review and further development of the programme of work for the Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA), prepared by the Executive Secretary with the support of the CEPA Informal Advisory Committee convened in response to decision VII/24 and, in particular, their efforts to identify a short list of priority activities in the CEPA programme of work to serve as the focus for the implementation of the initiative, as well as a plan for the implementation of the identified activities,
1.Welcomes the short list of priority activities for the CEPA Initiative comprising the communication, education and public awareness dimensions of the ongoing programmes of work of the Convention in the thematic areas and cross-cutting issues, including the programme of work for the Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness annexed to decision VI/19;
2.Adopts the plan for the implementation of the identified priority activities;
3.Invites the Global Environment Facility to make available the necessary financial resources to implement the identified CEPA priority activities at the national level in support of national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
4.Invites Parties to contribute the necessary financial resources to implement the identified CEPA priority activities;
5.Invites Parties, international organizations and other partners to fully participate in, and contribute to, the implementation of the identified CEPA priority activities;
6.Further invites Parties to coordinate their CEPA activities with the corresponding activities of other biodiversity-related conventions and other relevant multilateral environmental agreements, at national and regional levels as appropriate;
7.Requests the Executive Secretary to cooperate actively with the secretariats of other conventions, in particular the Ramsar and Climate Change conventions, to build on experiences under those conventions, to ensure synergy, and avoid duplication;
8.Requests the Executive Secretary with the support of the Informal Advisory Committee to explore linkages with other global initiatives that are particularly relevant to the work of CEPA, inter alia, the global 2010 biodiversity target, the Millennium Development Goals, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.