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Side Event

Coping with Climate Change: How are Indigenous Peoples and Rural Communities Using Agrobiodiversity to Adapt.

Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research

Date and Time
18 May 2010 13:15 - 14:45

Fourteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 14)

The side event will show how indigenous people and rural communities are using agrobiodiversity to help cope with climate change. Working with farmers around the world, the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research has collected information on the use of agrobiodiversity by farmers and communities as part of their response to climate change. A publication describing the findings of this work will be released at SBSTTA 14 in Nairobi. The side event will provide an opportunity for representatives of indigenous groups and rural communities to discuss their experiences related to the use of agrobiodiversity, its role in how to best contribute to adaptation and mitigation. The event will also help stimulate interactions between scientists and farmers.