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Side Event

Economic tools to incorporate ecosytem services into decision-making

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Date and Time
20 May 2010 13:15 - 14:45

Fourteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 14)

This side event focuses on how and why to value ecosystem services, the scope for innovative financial mechanisms to capture these values and relevance to the CBD. The WBCSD’s Ecosystem Valuation Initiative (EVI) in which IUCN is a key partner is guiding companies to introduce ecosystem valuation to better understand business dependencies and impacts on ecosystems. Two specific case studies will be discussed – Rio Tinto and Holcim. Ecosystem valuation in dryland systems in eastern and southern Africa will be presented. The event will also inform participants of the capacity of wetland restoration to sequester carbon and how Danone is exploring the potential of “wet” carbon offsets. The scope to capture these demonstrated values is explored via payments for ecosystem services (PES). Current efforts to scale up PES to the international level will be discussed focusing on innovative financial mechanisms like the proposed Green Development Mechanism.