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Side Event

Biocultural Community Protocols - a community approach to ensuring the integrity of environmental law and policy

ABS Capacity Development Initiative for Africa; Natural Justice

Date and Time
12 May 2010 13:15 - 14:45

Fourteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 14)

The side event will present Biocultural Community Protocols as one approach by which indigenous and local communities can set out terms on how they expect other stakeholders to engage with them regarding their natural resources and traditional knowledge. BCPs can reference customary as well as national or international laws to affirm a community's rights, and help other stakeholders to better understand the community’s values and customary laws. The use of BCPs in different contexts (e.g. Access and Benefit Sharing, Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas, REDD) will be discussed and illustrated by examples of existing protocols.