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Side Event

Using indigenous and local community information systems to monitor the CBD Aichi targets and REDD+: the experience of three countries

Global Canopy Programme

Date and Time
10 October 2014 18:15 - 19:45

Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

What data could be collected by Indigenous Peoples (IP) and forest communities for REDD+ national forest monitoring systems, which could also contribute towards the assessment of the CBD Aichi Biodiversity targets? This side event will explore how countries planning to collect information with the help of IP and forest communities for REDD+ could also use that information to support assessment of the CBD Aichi targets, noting target 18 suggests countries should draw on traditional knowledge. It will explore what the considerations are that countries need to take into account in the development of their country information system when that system involves community data. UNORCID and the Global Canopy Programme will convene country representatives. Indicative countries are Indonesia, Mexico and Guyana who are planning to involve IP and forest communities within their REDD+ MRV systems.