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Side Event

The International Islands Initiative to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Date and Time
14 October 2014 13:15 - 14:45

Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Prevention of entry of alien species through the common pathways of introduction in islands via sea ports and air ports was highlighted as a priority action in SIDS at the capacity-building (Montreal, Canada, 14-15 June 2014). In addition, invasive alien species currently present in SIDS can pose a threat to food security, human health and economic development. Eradication of the worst already established invaders with appropriate methods prevent extinctions and restore island ecosystems in small islands. To further facilitate effective project development in order to implement the national and regional biodiversity strategies and action plans on invasive alien species, the workshop participants continued to elaborate a coordination mechanism to support capacity development for SIDS to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 9. The Initiative plans to share the information on capacity needs, existing expertise and possible financial resources on web based cooperation platform with voluntary participation of SIDS Governments, technical expert organizations, potential donors, including multi- and bi-lateral development cooperation, private donors and others. The event presents updated capacity needs in SIDS and probes technical and scientific cooperation for project developments and their implementations with partners, interested organizations and networks.