1.National reports should:
(a)Use the goals, targets and indicators of the global framework in
decision VII/30, where they are nationally relevant;
(b)Be outcome-oriented;
(c)Present results of monitoring designed to describe national trends;
(d)Relate to national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
(e)Report on the 2010 target;
(f)Assess and facilitate national implementation of the Convention rather than making comparisons among countries;
(g)Facilitate self-assessment;
(h)Serve multiple communication purposes;
(i)Be useful to the decision-making processes of the Convention and lend themselves to synthesis;
(j)Facilitate the involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of the Convention;
(k)Facilitate harmonized reporting, where possible, by using joint reporting modules with biodiversity-related conventions and other relevant processes.
2.National reports should allow Parties to provide information on:
(a)The status and trends of biodiversity, with a focus on the outcomes of actions taken to achieve the 2010 target and the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan;
(b)Progress and effectiveness of the measures implemented towards achieving the 2010 target and the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan and priority actions in national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
(c)The current status of national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
(d)The results of efforts to mainstream biodiversity into relevant sectors;
(e)Success stories in implementation, drawing on, inter alia, case studies;
(f)Obstacles and challenges, taking into account but not limited to the appendix to the Strategic Plan of the Convention.
3.The guidelines should:
(a)Be short, simple, use clear language, and avoid repetition;
(b)Use the structure of the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan and the framework for assessing progress in implementing the Convention as in
decision VII/30;
(c)Explain the purpose of the reporting exercise and what use will be made of the reported information;
(d)Identify which of the reporting requests are used by other biodiversity-related conventions or processes;
(e)Use a modular approach to facilitate multiple uses of the same information;
(f)Provide cross-references between information being requested and the multi-year programme of work of the Conference of the Parties.