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Side Event #1340


Conference SBSTTA-20 / SBI-01
Twentieth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
Title Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture for Nutrition, Human Health and Well-Being in the era of Sustainable Development
CBD | UNEP | UNU IIGH | Bioversity international | UCLA | Concordia University |
Health and Biodiversity


This panel discussion will discuss issues on biodiversity and nutrition, healthy diets and sustainable food systems. A growing number of institutions around the world have been increasingly recognizing the role that traditional forms of agriculture can play in the promotion of biodiversity, food security, higher levels of nutrition in food, socio-ecological sustainability and human health. Ensuring greater collaboration and coordination across sectors as we set out to achieve the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Sustainable Development Goals is critical to their success. This event will draw on the findings of the State of Knowledge Review, Connecting global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health and some of its key messages and best practices, to catalyze more coordinated action for food, agriculture, nutrition and human health. The event will identify priority areas to assist Parties in the implementation of strategies to promote biodiversity, nutrition and health and to enhance both ecosystem and community resilience. It will specifically draw on case studies emphasizing the importance of managing people’s relations in agricultural systems in the joint pursuit of plant biodiversity conservation, equitable social sustainability and health and well-being. It will also also discuss issues relating to food safety, nutrition and the Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative implemented by Bioversity International, FAO and UNEP in collaboration with the governments of Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey, and discuss ways forward in the context of the SDGs and 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

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