Portal de información sobre Conocimientos Tradicionales

Foro de discusión en línea sobre el Artículo 10(c)

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draft recommendations to be considered by WG8j-6 [#355]
The following draft recommendations should be considered by WG8j-6 and COP-10:

- Add a new task focusing on 10(c) to the Programme of Work on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions. The new task could be developed under Element 3 on 'Traditional cultural practices for conservation and sustainable use'. 

- Develop a target related to 10(c) in the Target 2010 framework developed in decision VII/30 and refined in VIII/15; the framework will be reviewed at COP-10 and this offers a good opportunity to develop a new target. The new target should be developed under the Focal Area ‘Promote Sustainable Use’ and Goal 4 ‘Promote sustainable use and consumption’. This would be in line with, and would support Parties in the implementation of, paragraphs A1, A2, A4 of Decision IX.13 (on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions) and would respond to the suggestion by the Executive Secretary (UNEP/CBD/COP/9/4/Add.1 paragraph 44, p.11) that the Multi-year Programme of Work beyond 2010 should include further consideration of sustainable use and incentive measures (Articles 10 and 11) including engagement of local communities (10(c)).

- Develop guidelines for the implementation of 10(c).

- Develop a strategy to integrate 10(c) into the various CBD Programmes of Work and cross cutting issues.
posted on 2009-02-17 15:37 UTC by Dr Maurizio Ferrari, Forest Peoples Programme