Diversidad biológica de las aguas continentales

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Resultado 1 a 20 de 33 resultados encontrados

Centro Internacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento

There are 56 members of staff, who form a unique team of internationally recognised specialists and dedicated support staff working in a variety of fields of importance to the water and sanitation sector. IRC staff work primarily as facilitators, guiding partners in coming to grips with sector problems, and jointly identifying and testing solutions. IRC also draws on staff from partner institutions in both the North and the South who have complementary skills.
Subject(s): Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Salud y Biodiversidad; Gender and Biodiversity; Artículo 8(j): Conocimientos, Innovaciones y Prácticas Tradicionales; Recursos y mecanismos financieros

Convencion sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres

La Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres está formada por 152 países. Su función es la prohibición del comercio internacional de una lista consensuada de especies en peligro de extinción. Además, regula y controla el comercio de otras especies que podrían llegar a estar en peligro de extinción.
Subject(s): Estrategia Global para Conservación de las Plantas; Biodiversidad de los bosques; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Iniciativa Mundial sobre Taxonomía; Artículo 8(j): Conocimientos, Innovaciones y Prácticas Tradicionales

El programa de GEMS/Agua

El programa de GEMS/Agua proporciona información autoritaria y cientifica sobre el estado y tendencias de la calidad del agua global adentro requerida como base para la gerencia sostenible del mundo de agua dulce, y eso para apoyar evaluaciones y procesos de toma de decisión ambientales globales.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Biblioteca y Publicaciones

Environment Canada - Canadá

Environment Canada's mandate is to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment; conserve Canada's renewable resources; conserve and protect Canada's water resources; forecast weather and environmental change; enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government.
Subject(s): Especies Amenazadas; Intercambio de información; Biodiversidad de zonas marinas y costeras; Turismo y Biodiversidad; Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad; Salud y Biodiversidad; Investigación y Ciencia

Environmental Integration in EC development cooperation

This project is a service provided by the European Commission to raise awareness and build capacities of staff to integrate the environmental dimension in EC development cooperation and into partner countries' sector policies and programmes
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de los bosques; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Biodiversidad Agrícola; Biodiversidad de las tierras secas y subhúmedas; Productos Químicos; Enfoque de ecosistemas; Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad; Economía, comercio e incentivos; Desarrollo Sostenible / Objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio; Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Comunicación, Educación y Concienciación del Público; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

European Commission Development Directorate General

Directorate General Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States is responsible for the Commission's input to EU external relations with more than half of the countries of the world. Furthermore, it sets Commission development policy and federates European development policy across the globe. As such it also aims to demonstrate the added value of Europe working together to tackle the major challenges facing the world. Our mission is also to help to reduce and ultimately eradicate poverty in the developing countries through the promotion of sustainable development, democracy, peace and security.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Economía, comercio e incentivos; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Desarrollo Sostenible / Objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Cooperación y Sociedades

Federal Environment Agency - Alemania

The objectives are : to provide scientific support to the Federal Government (e.g.. the Federal Ministries for Environment; Health; Research; Transport, Building and Urban Affairs); - the mplementation of environmental laws (e.g. emissions trading, authorisation of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and plant protection agents) - and information of the public about environmental protection.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Productos Químicos; Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad; Salud y Biodiversidad; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Transferencia de Tecnologia y Cooperación; Naciones Unidas

Global Water System Project – Digital Water Atlas

The purpose and intent of the ‘Digital Water Atlas’ is to describe the basic elements of the Global Water System, the interlinkages of the elements and changes in the state of the Global Water System by creating a consistent set of annotated maps. The project will especially promote the collection, analysis and consideration of social science data on the global basis.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

International Institute for Sustainable Development Reporting Services - Water, Oceans, Wetlands

The International Institute for Sustainable Development – Reporting Services Division – provides a variety of multimedia informational resources for environment and sustainable development policymakers, including daily coverage of international negotiations, analyses and photos. As the publisher of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, IISD RS is recognized for its objectivity and issue expertise in the field of international environment and sustainable development policy.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Comunicación, Educación y Concienciación del Público; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas

International Water Association

IWA is comprised of leading water professionals in science, research, technology and practice. There are 10,000 individual and 400 corporate members, spread across 130 countries.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

International Water Management Institute

IWMI's mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food, livelihoods and nature. Research is the core activity of IWMI. The research agenda is organized around four priority Themes including Water Availability and Access; Productive Water Use; Water Quality, Health and Environment; and Water and Society. Cross cutting activities in all themes include, assessment of land and water productivity and their relationship to poverty, identification of interventions that improve productivity as well as access to and sustainability of natural resources, assessment of the impacts of interventions on productivity, livelihoods, health and environmental sustainability.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad Agrícola; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Salud y Biodiversidad; Desarrollo Sostenible / Objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio; Uso Sostenible de la Biodiversidad; Artículo 8(j): Conocimientos, Innovaciones y Prácticas Tradicionales; Cooperación y Sociedades

Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs

Ireland’s development cooperation policy is an integral part of Ireland’s wider foreign policy. Their aid philosophy is rooted in their foreign policy, in particular its objectives of peace and justice. Their development cooperation policy and programme reflect their longstanding commitment to human rights and fairness in international relations and are inseparable from Irish foreign policy as a whole. Poverty reduction, to reduce vulnerability and increase opportunity, is the overarching objective if Irish Aid.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo; Cooperación y Sociedades; Uso Sostenible de la Biodiversidad; Biodiversidad Agrícola; Comunicación, Educación y Concienciación del Público; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Salud y Biodiversidad; Economía, comercio e incentivos; Gender and Biodiversity; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

Living River Siam

Living River Siam is a campaign-based organization, working to support local community rights to their rivers, and to oppose threats to rivers and riverine ecosystems in Thailand, the Mekong, and Salween River Basins, such as large dams and water diversion projects.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

Mekong River Commission

The MRC is an international, country-driven river basin organisation that provides the institutional framework to promote regional cooperation in order to implement the 1995 Agreement. The MRC serves its member states by supporting decisions and promoting action on sustainable development and poverty alleviation as a contribution to the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Cooperación y Sociedades

Ministry for the Environment - Nueva Zelandia

On this website you can find out about issues that affect the environment, environmental laws and treaties and environmental reporting. There's also information on what you can do for the environment, copies of publications and information about the organisation.
Subject(s): Especies Amenazadas; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Productos Químicos; Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad; Areas Protegidas / Conservación In-Situ

Ministry of Environment - Lebanon - Líbano

Ministry of Environment - Lebanon.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development - Letonia

The Ministry of Environment is a central executive institution in the area of environmental protection which includes protection of environment and nature, maintenance and rational utilization of natural resources, as well as sub-sectors of hydrometeorology and use of subsoil.
Subject(s): Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad; Productos Químicos; Especies Amenazadas; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Informes nacionales; Estrategias y planes de acción nacionales (NBSAP)

National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) - Uganda

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a semi-autonomous institution that was established by an Act of parliament in May 1995 and became operational in December 1995. NEMA is therefore specifically mandated by the National Environment Act (NEA), Cap. 153 as the principal agency in Uganda charged with the responsibility of coordinating, monitoring, supervising and regulating all environmental management matters in the country.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Biodiversidad de los bosques; Tecnologías de restricción de uso genético; Acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación en los beneficios; Comunicación, Educación y Concienciación del Público; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas

NatureWatch (NGO)

The aims of NatureWatch are: - to fight for the preservation of Iceland's highland regions. - to strive to increase knowledge and awareness of Icelandic nature. -to strive to establish better laws to underpin the protection of nature. - to strengthen collaboration between associations for the protection of nature both in Iceland and abroad. - to strive for democratic decisions relating to environmental issues.
Subject(s): Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Biodiversidad de zonas marinas y costeras; Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica; Informes nacionales; Turismo y Biodiversidad; Biodiversidad Agrícola

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

La misión de la Convención es "la conservación y el uso racional de los humedales mediante acciones locales, regionales y nacionales y gracias a la cooperación internacional, como contribución al logro de un desarrollo sostenible en todo el mundo". La Convención emplea una definición amplia de los tipos de humedales abarcados por esta misión, incluidos pantanos y marismas, lagos y ríos, pastizales húmedos y turberas, oasis, estuarios, deltas y bajos de marea, zonas marinas próximas a las costas, manglares y arrecifes de coral, así como sitios artificiales como estanques piscícolas, arrozales, embalses y salinas
Subject(s): Desarrollo Sostenible / Objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio; Cooperación y Sociedades; Gobernabilidad, Leyes y Políticas; Biodiversidad de las Aguas Interiores; Biodiversidad de zonas marinas y costeras; Economía, comercio e incentivos