Developments since entry into force of the Protocol
COP-MOP 4 (December 2022)
The COP-MOP, at its
fourth meeting, considered a
note by the Executive Secretary summarizing relevant information regarding the implementation of
Article 25, including information on the resource mobilization component of the post-2020 biodiversity framework and its relevance for the Nagoya Protocol in Section III. The COP-MOP adopted
decision NP-4/8 in which it welcomed
decision 15/7 of the Conference of the Parties relating to resource mobilization and took note of the process established therein to further develop financial reporting under the Convention. The COP-MOP requested the Technical Expert Group on Financial Reporting to also consider financial reporting related to resource mobilization for the Nagoya Protocol.
Furthermore, the meeting encouraged Parties to consider resource mobilization for the Nagoya Protocol in the implementation of the strategy for resource mobilization adopted in decision 15/7 of the Conference of the Parties, and in particular, to include provisions for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in national biodiversity finance plans, taking into account
Article 20 of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Article 25 of the Nagoya Protocol.
COP-MOP 4 Decision and Relevant Documents
COP-MOP 3 (November 2018)
At its
third meeting, COP-MOP considered a
note by the Executive Secretary on the financial mechanism and resources (Article 25) of the Protocol containing information on countries’ experiences related to the mobilization of resources to support the implementation of the Protocol as well as the status and trends in funding for the Nagoya Protocol, which is based on submissions from
interim national reports.
COP-MOP 3 Decision and Relevant Documents
COP-MOP 2 (December 2016)
At its
second meeting, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP-MOP) considered the update on the implementation of Article 25 of the Protocol prepared by the Executive Secretary (
UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/5), containing information related to guidance to the Global Environment Facility, reporting, review of effectiveness, and determination of funding needs as well as the latest developments in resource mobilization for the Protocol.
COP-MOP 2 Decision and Relevant Documents
COP-MOP 1 (October 2014)
At its
first meeting, the COP-MOP considered a document prepared by the Executive Secretary
UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/1/5 and adopted
decision NP-1/7 on the basis of the
Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol (ICNP)
recommendation 2/2. The decision supports the integration of resource mobilization for the implementation of the Protocol in the work on resource mobilization under the Convention. In the decision, Parties are encouraged to include consideration of resource mobilization for the Protocol in the implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization in support of the achievement of the three objectives of the Convention and in the development of
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). Parties are also invited to submit information on their experiences related to the mobilization of resources in support of the implementation of the Protocol, as well as on the status of funds mobilized. Pursuant to Article 29 of the Protocol and
decision NP-1/3 on monitoring and reporting, the information is to be submitted by Parties through their
interim national reports, which are due twelve months prior to the third meeting of the COP-MOP.
COP-MOP 1 Decisions and Relevant Documents
Developments prior to the entry into force of the Protocol
Prior to the entry into force of the Protocol, the
ICNP was established by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (
decision X/1) to undertake the preparations for the first meeting of the Parties to the Protocol.
ICNP-2 (July 2012)
At its
second meeting, the ICNP considered a note prepared by the Executive Secretary (
UNEP/CBD/ICNP/2/4) taking into consideration
views and information submitted by Parties and other stakeholders. In
recommendation 2/2, the ICNP recommended a draft decision for the consideration of the first meeting of the COP-MOP on resource mobilization. Furthermore, the ICNP recommended that the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 11) take into consideration resource mobilization for the implementation of the Protocol in considering the review of the implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization, including the establishment of targets.
decision XI/4,
COP 11 decided to include consideration of resource mobilization for the Nagoya Protocol in the implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization.
ICNP-2 Recommendations