Notification 2016-111

"Cancun Commitments and Coalitions for Enhanced Implementation" Preparing for potential pledges of action by countries and partners at the Cancun Meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Dear Madam/Sir, The meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, as well as the meetings of the Protocols and the associated high-level segment provide opportunities for Parties and other Governments, in concert with partner organizations and other entities, to announce commitments or actions in support of the Convention, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The mid-term review of progress toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets undertaken at COP 12 on the basis of the Global Biodiversity Outlook showed that, overall, current progress is not sufficient to achieve the targets, as does the updated analysis of national biodiversity strategies and actions plans and of national reports prepared for the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties. For the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, the concurrent meetings of the Protocols and the high-level segment, the Secretariat and the Government of Mexico, as host country, are proposing to provide an opportunity for pledges and announcements to be made in a structured and cooperative manner. While Parties, other Governments, partner organizations and other stakeholders are welcome to make other pledges and announcements over the course of COP 13 and the meetings of the Protocols, as was the case in previous meetings of the Conference of the Parties, it is envisaged that a structured approach, may inspire a greater number of pledges and initiatives and nurture a better collective response towards the actions needed to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, by promoting cooperation among countries and organizations. Parties and other Governments, along with partner organizations and other stakeholders, are therefore invited to announce, during the high-level segment, actions underway that are related to particular Aichi Biodiversity Targets or groups of targets, or to make commitments for planned actions. It is expected that such actions and commitments should be: (i) commensurate with the scale and scope of the global Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and (ii) include clear timelines and mechanisms to track progress against specific baselines, with clear progress expected within a two-year or four-year period. Linkages between such actions and the achievement of certain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could also be highlighted. A group of countries, with supporting partners as appropriate, with commitments on a common target or group of targets could constitute a “coalition for enhanced implementation”. Such a coalition could, for instance, include: • Leading countries: Countries that have already achieved, or already undertaking activities that put them on track to achieve a given Aichi Biodiversity Target or group of targets (or element of the target(s)). Such countries may also pledge further commitments and actions, and/or offer technical or other support to other countries willing to make pledges. • Implementing countries: Countries making commitments to achieve the target(s). Such countries may need technical or other support to do so. • Enabling partners: Organizations that commit to support countries in the coalition to support the target(s) through clearly measureable activities, and business sector entities making substantive contributions towards the target(s). The pledges will be announced during the high-level segment on 3 December 2016. There will also be opportunities for more in-depth launch-events to be held in the margins of the meetings. Proposals for pledges and for coalitions should be communicated to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and preferably before 15 October 2016. Parties are encouraged to communicate with other Parties and partners with a view to establishing coalitions around particular targets. Further guidance and information, including a template for proposals and for reporting on progress, and examples of potential areas of focus for such coalitions, will be made available on the COP 13 website. On request from Parties, the Secretariat is ready to facilitate discussions among potential members of a coalition. In addition, with a view to enhancing the visibility of announcements and launches taking place throughout the meetings, the Secretariat invites Parties and observers to provide advance information on any such events to: Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Executive Secretary

To: CBD, ABS and CPB National Focal Points, and relevant organizations


Action required by 2016-10-15

Subject(s): Conference of the Parties, Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

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